Don’t Trust the Wall St rally

Don’t Trust the Wall St rally

By Bethany McLean, Editor at Large

(Fortune) – Up till now, all eyes have been on the losses that are hitting the financial sector from the acronym soup of new instruments such as CDOs and SIVs. Everyone is scared, and rightly so of the MUB (Monster Under the Bed) that might be lurking supposedly safe havens.

The last decade saw the explosion of securitization – the carving up and redistributing of risk-the boom in hedge funds, and the private equity mania.

In a paper published in the fall of 2005, risk management guru Leslie Rahl of Capital Market Risk Advisors, noted that in the past decade, a lot of things have happened that aren’t supposed to happen, from the interest rate hikes of 1994 to the 1998 collapse of LTCM to the 2001 terrorist attacks. Or as the authors put it, “once-in-a-lifetime events seem to occur every few years.”

March 23, 2008
